In this article (And the video above) I will cover the 6 fundamentals for success, and why they’re so important.



If you want to achieve something, lets say start an online business, we must have a clear vision of what it is we’re looking to achieve. Now the reason this is so important is if we don’t know where we’re going, what we’re heading towards and the outcome we’re looking to create, it makes it almost impossible to know the actions to take to get anywhere.

All that we’re left to focus on is our current reality and when we’re starting something new a lot of that is gonna be ruled by fear and the problems and challenges that we’re up against. So when we have that vision it’s our guiding light, our North Star that can keep us focused on the things that are gonna move us towards success. If we don’t have that vision, that focal point to guide us we’re gonna be focusing on the wrong things. All the reasons we can’t, all the reasons that it’s challenging or that we don’t want to when it gets difficult because it will be hard. It’s a journey like going to the gym, it doesn’t happen overnight, it takes dedication and consistency.

Observing other people that start this journey who really see it through when it gets challenging. The ones who get home from work in the evening, tired, but instead of putting the tv on they work on their auto responder, or add some content to their website. The ones who are willing to put in the work and do what it takes to change their lives. The thing that drives them is their vision, they know why they’re doing what they’re doing and what they need to do to get there. Your vision has to be something that you are driving towards that you wanna create in your life.

Here’s what often happens, most people, before they come across the concept of online business or they really get into it and figure out that it’s actually possible for everyone. Often the reason that we don’t strive towards creating that freedom in our lives. Whether its time, financial and geographical freedom or freedom of choice at some level, is because we do not believe it’s possible for us. 

Here’s what often happens, most people, before they come across the concept of online business or they really get into it and figure out that it’s actually possible for everyone. Often the reason that we don’t strive towards creating that freedom in our lives. Whether its time, financial and geographical freedom or freedom of choice at some level, is because we do not believe it’s possible for us. 

When you believe its possible for you and you start to see the potential future that you could be creating it becomes very addictive. It becomes very hard to go back to the old way of being when you see the potential future that you could be living. I know a lot of people can relate to that, once you’ve taken the red pill there’s no going back.

The point I’m making is when you start exploring this path of online business and you start getting clear about the vision that you want to create. That is gonna drive you more than any type of push motivation that you could possibly muster. Push motivation relies on will power, and we have a finite amount of will power. Again, just like going to the gym and you feel tired and worn out, you’re gonna have a lot less energy to drag yourself there and make it happen. But when you have that vision, that guiding light to pull you forwards you get that energy that comes over you which you can’t explain, you just make stuff happen. That’s why vision is so important.


When you have your vision of where you wanna get to, we then need to make sure that the goals we’re setting are gonna drive us directly towards that vision, and we need to make sure that the things we’re focusing on in our DMO are going to be the things that will actually help us to achieve our goals which will drive towards our vision. 

Our goals are our bridge between where we are right now, and where we want to be. We wanna make sure that our goals really cause us to focus on the things that matters, the things that will make our vision a reality.


Forming the right habits is gonna go a huge way towards achieving what it is you wanna achieve. Because what you achieve in your life, the results that you get, is not about one big event or one thing that you did one day. It’s about consistency, you don’t go to the gym once and do a 9 hour workout to be ripped for the next year, you go consistently. 

It’s constant action and habits which drive results over a long period of time. So the habits that we form, whether good or bad will directly translate to the results that we create in our future. If you wanna know what life you’re gonna have in 12 months, have a look at your habits right now. Your habits right now will dictate the life that you’re gonna be living. Are your habits good or are they bad? Are they driving you towards your vision or away from it? If they’re driving you away from your vision you’ve gotta have the awareness to recognise that this is happening and put some changes in place if the habits we have today are not going to build the tomorrow that we want to live.


When somebody is able to recognise that something is holding them back and they’re feeling fear about that thing because it’s outside of their comfort zone. If they’re able to overcome that fear and move through it, they can then achieve growth. Because if the things that they wanted to achieve, start an online business for example, were within their comfort zone already, they’d already be doing it. 

But the fact is that if it’s something that’s outside our comfort zone, which it is if we’re not already doing it then we’re gonna need to overcome fear to get there, and the improve we can overcome fear and step into the belief and trustoing that maybe we can do this. The more we’re gonna take those actions that move us towards our goals. We’ve gotta be able to face fear, we’ve gotta have the awareness to realise when we’re feeling fear and understand why we’re feeling fear so that we can then overcome it, to do the things that’s causing us fear. I’ll talk more about fear, but for now know that oncercomijng fear is something that all successful people must do.

But the fact is that if it’s something that’s outside our comfort zone, which it is if we’re not already doing it, then we’re gonna need to overcome fear to get there. We improve when we can overcome fear and step into the belief and trusting that maybe we can do this. The more we can do that, the more we’re gonna take those actions that move us towards our goals. We’ve gotta be able to face fear, we’ve gotta have the awareness to realise when we’re feeling fear and understand why we’re feeling fear so that we can then overcome it, to do the things that are causing us fear. I’ll talk more about fear in future, but for now know that overcoming fear is something that all successful people must do.


I also like to call this figuring shit out. When you are resourceful, you encounter a challenge or a problem, you’re focused on solutions and not the problem. Looking at the reasons you can do it instead of the reasons you can’t. Someone who’s resourceful is one of my mentors, a guy called Stuart Ross.

Resourcefulness in his words, is the number one skill required by an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur is a professional problem solver. It’s what we do. So being able to overcome problems using resourcefulness is absolutely crucial. If you wanna achieve the success that someone resourceful has, then you too must learn to overcome your problems so that you can create the same results they do.


If you make the decision to never quit no matter what, no matter how many times you fail, or how many times things get difficult, one of two things are going to happen; you’re either going to succeed or you’re going to die trying. If we begin, and make the decision that we are never ever going to quit no matter what, then we will succeed, it’s as simple as that!

If you make the decision to never quit no matter what, no matter how many times you fail, or how many times things get difficult, two things are going to happen; you’re either going to succeed or you’re going to die trying. If we begin, and make the decision that we are never ever going to quit no matter what, then we will succeed, it’s as simple as that!


Decide on your vision, decide what you wanna create, figure out the path that’s going to enable you to get there, find other people who have already gone down that path, find mentors, find community, get yourself involved in that environment and model what they did to create that result.

Whatever you want to create in your life, if you make the decision that you’re doing it and you’re going to make it happen no matter what, find someone who lives by these 6 Fundamentals for Success and model what they do every day, inevitably if you never quit, eventually, you will one day achieve the result that they have achieved.

Surrounding yourself directly with people who have already achieved what you’re trying to achieve, and those who are also working towards achieving what you’re trying to achieve, is CRITICAL for your success.

Connect with people who can show you how they succeeded by living by these 6 Fundamentals for Success in their lives each day. Get involved with an online business education community today: