The Freelancing Learning Path

An image of a divider line, going from yellow on the left to red on the right

What is it?

The Freelancing Learning Path in the Vault will show you how to start and scale your own freelancing business and become financially independent, and ultimately replace your current salary – freeing you up to live your life however you choose.

I’m going to introduce you to Tom. Tom began his journey as a freelancer about 2 years ago with his girlfriend Jane. They very quickly won their first few clients, and in no time at all reached 6 figures in revenue.

Not only that, but by completely replacing their ex-corporate incomes they created location freedom and far more spare time for themselves too.

What you’ll learn

  • Workshop 1: Learn how Freelancing Works, and how you can use it to replace your income so that you have choice, control and freedom in your own life.
  • Workshop 2: How to find the right service so that businesses actually want to pay you money for what you can offer them.
  • Workshop 3: How to offer your service to the market and start winning customers
  • Workshop 4: Beginning your journey today, and what are the actual next steps you need to take to get things moving
Image collage of modules included in the freelancing path

What you’ll learn

  • Workshop 1: Learn how Freelancing Works, and how you can use it to replace your income so that you have choice, control and freedom in your own life.
  • Workshop 2: How to find the right service so that businesses actually want to pay you money for what you can offer them.
  • Workshop 3: How to offer your service to the market and start winning customers
  • Workshop 4: Beginning your journey today, and what are the actual next steps you need to take to get things moving

Ready to get started? Hit the button below to create your Vault account so you can access your learning path and keep track of your progress.