Today’s my last day in the beautiful Dominican Republic, and I wanted to share with you some insights that I’ve had over the last 10 days. 
Besides the obvious HUGE value of mentoring with numerous 7 and 8 figure business owners, a lot of the value that I’ve got from the SFM & DEA Annual Black retreat has been internal and reflective. 
I’ve noticed just how much this journey over the last 6 months has changed me, in so many ways. 


To give you an example, I hopped onto an SFM Orientation webinar for new members yesterday with Justin Woolf & Jay Kubassek.
It didn’t feel like work when it was from a kabana in the sun with a drink in hand by the way, but through giving my insights from having gone through the eye of the needle and successfully building an online business, I got an incredible perspective as a result of being on the other side of the table.
This was a very different perspective to the one that I had when I was a new member myself just 6 months ago, listening to someone who was exactly where I am now giving their own insights. 

The transition to the other side


I realized that I’d already realized all the material things I thought I wanted in my future… Things like the big country house, nice cars, Jacuzzi etc. were completely meaningless. 
Let me say that one more time; I realized that I’d realized those things were meaningless. 
I used to think that those material things were a big part of my future, but I’ve already gone past that and I feel that I can now see the truth: That true fulfillment comes from within us, not externally through outside circumstances.
Those things are nice to haves, but that’s all they are. They are not the goal, they are not the destination, and they sure as hell are not why we do what we do.
True success doesn’t come from material wealth, it comes from being fulfilled by what we do.
If we can fully embrace that truth, then we’ve taken the first step on a journey towards an infinitely more rewarding life.
That’s what the SFM community and training is about. Becoming the best version of you that you can be. If you’re ready to get started with SFM and start creating the life that you want to live, you can do so here
I’ll speak to you when I’m back in the UK, which I’m sure will be warm and sunny… Or more likely not…
Have a good Wednesday!