So I thought “What better way to put the law of attraction and manifestation to the test, than to just rock up to the airport believing wholeheartedly that I’m going to get a dirt-cheap flight to San Diego there and then?”
There’s several levels to this
Another example is that we can be sitting in a bar and many people around us are chatting, then someone mentions your name and you suddenly zone right in on the conversation and become acutely aware of everything.
The Law of Attraction is more specific to the vibrational energy that we are resonating at, and therefore what we bring closer to us in the world around us.
Heard of “birds of a feather flock together”? That’s the law of attraction. When you’re “In the zone”, or “on a roll”, that’s the law of attraction in action. We’re vibrating at a much higher frequency and therefore manifest much higher results.
However when most people get to this higher vibrational frequency, they’ll sabotage themselves because their belief system will kick in, and they’ll start telling themselves that “this lucky streak has to end soon” or something similar.
And guess what, they start focusing on that, and what happens? They manifest it.
Then they might end up in a slump, where nothing seems to go right. And when they believe that nothing’s going right, guess what happens? Nothing goes right.
We’re the sole creators of absolutely everything in our lives.
So that’s what I wanna touch on today
Because if you are, that’s exactly what you’re creating. Choose to shoot higher, choose to believe that you’re worthy of more, and choose to start manifesting the best possible life and results that you could ever imagine.